Sunday, June 13, 2010

Reality Branding

reality branding is simply to brand a certain product with its real effect and usages. it is what the viewers get when they see/watch an ad.
for example the pantene ad. it fights 7 signs of weak hair. is this real ? or are they just trying to sell the brand ??

Another example is olay facial cream. is it really an anti aging cream and give you the affect of a face lift ?? or are they just trying to again sell a brand ?? is it really their reality branding ?
This woman probably didnt need that much of a drastic change, they are just trying to seel the product by tell people "look, use olay you'll get her skin" sorry to say this but they probably airbrushed ger face on photoshop and made her look 10 years younger, some people truely believe that this is the affect they get using this certain product

another interesting vedio

I love NY more than ever

t-shirts , hats, posters, pins, car stickers are one of the most affective items used to campaign a certain product or a certain situation. i love ny was one of the biggest hits in this, tshirts all around the world started to mimic the i love NY tshirt, yo ucan find I love Italy, I love Saudi and many more ... but in my opinio i dont think it is legal to change someones art, or even mimic it. this way you wont notice the original product from the mimiced one.
i think it is very affective, and one of the stickers that affected me personal was a bumper sticker that said I Love Gazza freedom for Gazza.
and another one that clicks with me is the I love diving.
i think the logo or design MUST be suitable for event or campaign.

beutility good design has utility

from this presentation i started to notice things around me that are beutiful, for example the bug that was given as an example in the presentation has its own beauty , the beauty of creation and design. But some people dont acknowledge the beauty held within things, as they say, beauty is in the eyes of the beholder for example beauty and the beast, how she falls inlove with A BEAST. how did that affect on children, and how did they start to look beyond somthig that is ugly. how in some culturs being fat is beauty and in others fat is ugly, vise versa .
beauty holds a big role in deisgn, the look of it the shape of it the size of it, the color of it, even the size of it, all can be ugly and can be beautiful.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Life of luxury

Every person has their own life of luxury, and the word luxury has different meaning as we mention in the presentation, for example luxury for kids is Disney Land

Toys R Us

And Hamely's

For me I find my luxury in High heels
And Diamonds

but on the other hand some people dont find there luxury's in material goods. They find it having a good clean soul, or helping other people.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

beutility good design has utility

Many people think that beauty is a gift and not all substances in life are gifted. I would rather disagree with that, because I truely believe that beauty is everywhere. Everything has and owns its beauty within its self. I believe that beauty may be shown and may be not, which is called inner beauty. for example if you look at an ugly old tree, u may think its ugly and that its branches are torn apart, but have you ever considered looking at the beauty of the creation of that tree, how wood creates its self layer on top of layer. How roots are grown deeply into the ground seeking moister. All of that is the beauty of its creation.

My point of view, is that beauty is everywhere. You just have to look deep enough to find it.

On the other hand out topic is talking about beutility in design. how a design can be beutiful and at the same time easy to use. for example i phones are beautiful in design, how its sleek and light and thin. in the same time it easily functioned.

Healing with design

Sound, light, imgae, & color are strong elements that designers should be aware about. Each creates a special atmosphere. for example sound could help blind people. color could attract kids and youngsters, light could affect surrounding energy (positive and negative).
All of these are elemts that should help a designer to create a successful design. For example healing with sound:
healing with light :
Both should contain good imagery that will complete the atmosphere.

Friday, May 7, 2010

Who Gets To Say What To Whome

In this article the author is talking about how a certain poster or ad contains a certain strong message that could somehow control people's minds. for example Political posters.
Designers should research intensively on what their certain media contains as a message, due to some cultural miss understanding.

The posters should contain a strong visual and a strong message. Designers have the power in their hands and the ability to communicate. they should use this gift to benefit people, and not use is it a bad manner they could and might insult other cultures.
transforming speech and idea's into visuals is a hard task to accomplish. It is a graphic designers duty to send messages threw different types of media.

On the other hand the author is talking about logo's and how it affects people recognition to certain brands. For example Mc.Donalds, just a simple logo which is the letter M in yellow with a red background setteled into the worlds mind. It created a huge impact on people, once you look at their logo you imidiatly recognize it is Mc.Donadls. The way they placed yellow on red also stimulated people's minds. It is one of the most successfull logo's in the history of logo design.