Sunday, May 9, 2010

beutility good design has utility

Many people think that beauty is a gift and not all substances in life are gifted. I would rather disagree with that, because I truely believe that beauty is everywhere. Everything has and owns its beauty within its self. I believe that beauty may be shown and may be not, which is called inner beauty. for example if you look at an ugly old tree, u may think its ugly and that its branches are torn apart, but have you ever considered looking at the beauty of the creation of that tree, how wood creates its self layer on top of layer. How roots are grown deeply into the ground seeking moister. All of that is the beauty of its creation.

My point of view, is that beauty is everywhere. You just have to look deep enough to find it.

On the other hand out topic is talking about beutility in design. how a design can be beutiful and at the same time easy to use. for example i phones are beautiful in design, how its sleek and light and thin. in the same time it easily functioned.

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