Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Reality Branding

Reality branding is simply branding with exaggeration . Meaning advertising with a sense of humor or a certain sense of attitude. It is important to consider that so that the product would sell. It also depends on the audience the product is targeting. One of their methods is to use famous celebrities to advertise for the brand, it would sell even much more. People always look at celebrities as their role models.
For example Ponds Age Miracles.
Another example is Loreal XXL Mascara. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=493OXWW06Yc

My personal opinion i think its a smart strategy to use to sell a certain brand. But on the other
hand the audience will stop using the product and will not recommend it cause reality branding is based on a lie. So the product will sell for a certain period of time.

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